23 March 2010

3rd post of the day

est Friends Forever!

Alright, gang. I have a question for you.

What makes someone one of your best friends? Is it the number of inside jokes together? What number? Is it how often you text each other? How many texts? Is it how much time you spend together in a certain period? Or is it something else entirely?

For me, I came up with this idea: (I'm very picky about who I consider my best friends, so this works for me, but might not work for you.)

Yes, I did come up with something original for my blog, as opposed to shamelessly ripping off someone else.

In reality, though, I think I only have (by this definition) a max of maaaybe five best friends. An alternate way of thinking would be "how many people would you tell?" but for me, at least, I would tell more people than would tell me, which is how I decided which direction to pick.

How many best friends do you have? How did you decide who your best friends were? How many best friends would you have if you went by my method?

And I really do want answers to this question. If you comment here, it counts as two comments in the charity giveaway! (OMGoodness! 2 comments=2 entries + 2/9 of the way to another dollar donated! Woohoo!)


12 March 2010

The Lord of The Rings

So. Last night, I went to EQ Basketball. And it was fun. Even though we lost. Those of you who know me may realize that I don't actually do anything athletic. You could probably tell that by looking at me. But I forced one of my buddies in to going to ward choir. He told me only if I went to basketball with him. So I did. And he's going to. (Just for the record, I really do like basketball. But the EVMCO choir that I'm in rehearses on Thursday nights, so this was the only one I actually could go to, because we had our concert last week.)

Anywho. After we finished our game, we were listening to the LOTR soundtrack on the way home. (I even forced him to give me a ride. [ =). Chunky (not real name) said "I'm going to go home and watch LOTR!" I told him I was coming too. To his house. At 8:00 at night. (We're good friends, so it wasn't weird.) So we went to his house. At this point, we were both pretty exhausted, so I bring you some of the hilarity that ensued. These are all direct quotes. I wrote them down (or typed them in my phone, as the case may be). And these are them.


"They should have made Shadowfax [Gandalf's horse] a unicorn. So he could like impale people in the battle and stuff." - Chunky

"He wanted people with him so they could have a party on the way!"-Chunky
"Potluck in Rohan!" -Me

"Why'd I think Eragon? It is late. It is late." -Chunky

"I like how he used his Jedi mind trick to get his staff inside." -Me

"Come on, Elfeyes!" -Chunky
"He's under the magic cloak! I see him!" -Me

"They ripped off so many things from Harry Potter." -Me
"Like what?" -Chunky
"Like the invisibility cloak. And the magic! Who does magic besides Harry Potter?" -Me
"Voldemort" -Chunky

"How did he get on the horse?" -Me
"It laid down for him and he magically shifted up. Remember? They stole from Harry Potter!" -Chunky

Yeah. It was a funny night. And we didn't even make it to the end of the movie.